Voting in Industry Partner categories shall be done by the Awards Judging Panel.  

Only votes cast by 09.00 Friday 8 March 2024 will be considered valid.

Submit Nomination



Product Partner of the Year provides products (skincare, spa products, internals, health products, etc.) for the  professional spa and wellness industry operator. The Product Partner actively supports its industry partner/s  with an appropriate level of support to mutually grow their respective businesses. Such support may include  logistics, samples, marketing materials, training support, development of customized treatment or other as is  deemed appropriate. 

PRODUCT PARTNER OF THE YEAR award application must include:  

15.1 Company Registration 

12.1 Statement detailing the type of support available (reference criteria above) 

12.2 A copy of the company’s Sustainability Policy. 

12.3 Testimonials from at least three (3) spa & wellness operators. Testimonial must clearly state how and with  what, the company supports the operator, and what the benefit is to the operator. 


Equipment Partner of the Year provides equipment (machines, devices, tools, technology, software etc.) for  the professional spa and wellness industry operators. The Equipment Partner actively supports its industry  partner/s with an appropriate level of support to mutually grow their respective businesses. Such support  may include logistics, innovations, marketing materials, training support, equipment reapirs, software updates  or other as is deemed appropriate. 

EQUIPMENT PARTNER OF THE YEAR award application must include:  

12.1 Company Registration 

12.2 Statement detailing the type of support available (reference criteria above) 

12.3 A copy of the company’s Sustainability Policy. 

12.4 Testimonials from at least three (3) spa & wellness operators who use the equipment provided by the  company. Testimonial must clearly state how the company supports the operator, and how the  operator benefits from the partnership.