Voting in Professional categories shall be done by the Awards Judging Panel 

Only votes cast by 09.00 Friday 8 March 2024 will be considered valid.

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Open to business consultants in Asia Pacific who operate independently or as a company to provide  provides professional consultative services for spa and wellness industry businesses on a limited or full project  basis. 

CONSULTANT OF THE YEAR award application must include:  

17.1 Written details of the services provided and to whom. 

17.2 Testimonial from the company receiving the services, detailing the services received and why they think  the company is deserving of this award.


Open to Wellness Designers in Asia Pacific who operate independently or as a company to provide professional design services for spa and wellness industry businesses on a limited or full project basis. 

WELLNESS DESIGNER OF THE YEAR award application must include:  

18.1 A short VDO (not over 1 minute duration) or at least 6 professional photographs of the wellness designers  work (minimum 300dpi)*  

18.2 A floor plan of the facility – one A4 page per level is required. 

18.3 A one paragraph summary of the concept behind the design and which elements of wellness are  incorporated* 

18.4 Testimonial from at least one (1) client detailing the end results and how the designer met the clients  design brief and to what level of satisfaction it was achieved. 


Open to industry trainers who are individuals, industry schools, training academies etc. and who seek to  impart the knowledge or skills necessary to work in the spa & wellness industry or to upgrade that skill set through the motivation and education of individuals or groups. Such individuals or groups upon the  completion of the training should be sufficiently qualified to gain employment in the industry or have the  qualifications to move up the career ladder. 

Must show knowledge of actual and evolving needs of the spa industry, and hold relevant accreditations as  required by local laws, or industry experience and qualifications. Has the ability to train in both practical  and theoretical practises, with a system in place to monitor the quality of learning and effectiveness of the  training. 

TRAINER OF THE YEAR award application must include: 

19.1 Training licence or qualification of main trainer. 

19.2 Summary of the curriculum and duration of each subject that the trainer is qualified/experienced to  train in. 

19.3 Photographic record of training session (minimum 3 classes on different dates, with minimum 2 photo on  each training day) 


Open to independent or third-party service providers (individual or company) in Asia Pacific who deliver services or retreats within others’ clubs, hotels, resorts, etc. The service provider does not have their own  premises to facilitate deliverance of their services, but has the skills, qualifications or experience to deliver  services which are not performed by the spa and wellness operator.  

INDEPENDENT SERVICE PROVIDER award application must include:  

20.1 Business licence or qualification of the service provider. 

20.2 A one paragraph summary of the services able to be provided including detailing any special  requirements required to be provided by the operator in order to deliver such services, including space  requirements, duration, lead time, disruption to normal business etc. 

20.3 At least 3 professional photographs showcasing the work of the service provider (minimum 300dpi)*  


The Wellness Influencer has one of more active social media platforms for the past 12 months to promotes products and services that align with ethical wellness practices. The posted content is well researched and  aligns with the brand’s wellness goals and values, while the influencer shows knowledgeable and personal  experience about the subjects they discuss, and provides accurate and evidence-based information.  

Has a background with certification, or education in a relevant wellness field (nutrition, fitness, mental health,  etc). and is authentic and transparent in the sharing of their own personal wellness journey, including  challenges, and progress. Content is presented in a way that encourages interaction. 

INFLUENCER OF THE YEAR award application must include:  

24.1 Short bio of the Influencer including any relevant certifications, and how you became an influencer.

24.2 List of social media platforms (with URL’s_ and number of followers on each at time of application. 24.3 Short list of not more than five products and services (paid or un-paid) which you have promoted in the  past 12 months.  

24.4 Testimonials from at least five (5) followers/subscribers about the work of the influencer and why you  follow them..* 


Open to any new spa or wellness company that has commenced operations in 2023.  

The Award will be judged on the success of the business post-launch, including: brand name awareness,  business generation, guest satisfaction and reputation 

BEST NEWCOMER OF THE YEAR award application must include:  

25.1 Company registration 

25.2 At least 3 professional photographs of the company (minimum 300dpi)*  

25.3 A brief statement summarising the company’s concept & operating philosophy* 

25.4 Copy of the company’s objectives 

25.5 An exert of the Marketing Plan of not more than one page. 

25.6 An exert of the Training Plan of not more than one (1) page 

25.7 A copy of the guest feedback form or a copy of the Standard Operating Procedure for Guest  Feedback, if guest feedback is not in written format. 

25.8 Testimonials from at least three (3) clients of the new company 

25.9 A copy of the Spa’s Sustainability Policy 


Open to any individual working full-time in the Asia-Pacific spa and wellness industry who has seen  professional advancement in the industry over the past 12 months and is or has the potential to be a key  industry leader of tomorrow (withing their chosen job description). 

Has made significant impact in the industry over the past 12 months, and maintains one of more active  social media platforms. Applicants must be nominated by a third party, e.g. client, colleague, boss. 

RISING STAR PERSONALITY OF THE YEAR award application must include:  

30.1 A CV of the nominated persons including relevant social media links. 

30.2 A head-shot photograph of the proposed nominee.* (photo must be not over 3 months old) 30.3 A statement by the nominator of the contribution given by the rising star nominee including detailing why the nominee is deserving of this award* 


Open to any individual who is well established and working full-time in the Asia-Pacific spa and wellness  industry who has proven to be a key advocate for the industry or a part of the industry and has whom has  been outspoken in their commitment to the industry and who has made a significant impact on the industry over the past 12 months participating in industry events and promoting the industry or an element of the  industry where appropriate. Has one of more active social media platforms. Applicants must be nominated  by a third party, e.g. client, colleague, boss. 

INDUSTRY PERSONALITY OF THE YEAR award application must include:  

31.1 A CV of the nominated persons including relevant social media links. 

31.2 A head-shot photograph of the proposed nominee.* (photo must not be over three months old) 31.3 A statement by the nominator of the contribution given to the industry by the industry personality  including detailing why the nominee is deserving of this award* 

31.4 A media article on the nominated personality in scanned or pdf format