Nomination in the LIFETIME ACHEIVEMENT shall be done by the Board of the Asia Pacific Spa & Wellness Coalition.

Selection and final determination on whether any LIFETIME ACHEIVEMENT awards are presented or not, shall be at the discretion of the Awards Committee.

Submit Nomination



Shall be nominated to the Awards Committee by a board member of the Asia Pacific Spa & Wellness  Coalition 

The Awards Committee may at its discretion determine to present the award or not. Multiple recipients may  receive the award as determined by the Awards Committee. 

The reception is an individual working full-time in or for the benefit of the Asia-Pacific spa and wellness  industry., who has made a significant and positive contributions to the industry over many years.  Spa and wellness industry professionals, government officers, local or international media, tourism and travel trade professionals, diplomats or other professional persons, companies, institutions or organisations who  have significantly contributed to the growth and development of the spa and wellness industry in their  country or across the region through their active support, lobbying, promotion, or involvement, while showing  inspiration, guidance, courage or leadership for a period of ten years or more are eligible. Government officers who have been responsible for legislation that has been significantly beneficial to the  development of the spa and wellness industry are also eligible. 

Those who lack ethical professionalism or are in current/recent disputes (legal or otherwise) shall not be  considered, irrespective of the contribution they have made to the industry. 

Recipient is not a current APSWC Board Member.