All entries are required to abide by these terms of reference in order to be eligible for the awards. Should  the entries fail to comply with these requirements the auditing firm shall be authourised to invalidate  entries and/or reserve the right to reassign them to another category which they do comply with. 

Invitation / Application: 

Applications are now open for Spa & wellness operators and related businesses, product  suppliers, distributors and manufacturers to apply on line for any of the relevant categories in the  APSWC Awarrds 2024 at 

Deadline for Applications: 

17.00 Thursday 15 February 2024 

Nominations Announced: 

29 February 2024. The APSWC Awards Committee will announce nominations together with voting  methods and procedures. All details will be released to the media and posted on the awards  website and social media platforms. 


Voting by the general public will be open in selected categories from 01 March 2024 until 17.00  Sunday 10 March 2024.  


The results of voting shall remain confidential and shall be known ONLY relevant persons or parties  as deemed relevant by the APSWC Board to verify the voting, calculate weighted voting and  complete production of the Award Trophies in a timely manner. Winners will be publicly  announced on Thursday 21 March 2024 at the awards ceremony during the APSWC Round Table.  

Application Fee: 

An application fee of USD50 is payable for each category entered except where the application  is a member of the Asia Pacific Spa & Wellness Coalition whereupon the application fee is  reduced providing the discount code is used when applying. Application fees are not  refundable, even where the application iis incomplete or not deemed valid. 


Applications Close: 15 February 2024

Product Samples Received 19 January 2024

Nominations Announced 29 February 2024

Public Voting Opens 01 March 2024

Public Voting Closes 10 March 2024

Winners Announced 21 March 2024