Voting in Operational categories shall be done by the Awards Judging Panel 

Only votes cast by 09.00 Friday 8 March 2024 will be considered valid.

Submit Nomination



Open to companies (including franchise brands and third-party companies) who manage multi-site on  behalf of owners. The operations may be of any type (e.g. Day Spa, Hotel/Resort Spa, Wellness Resort, etc.)  and would typically have a centralised head office and/or regional headquarters.  

MANAGEMENT COMPANY OF THE YEAR award application must include:  

21.1 Company registration 

21.2 Company profile, including summary of all branches and when each branch commended operation. 21.3 Company organisation chart from Branch / Outlet Manger up to most senior company official. 21.4 Details of the support which is provided by head office to each branch / outlet 

21.5 A copy of the company’s policy on employee professional development 

21.6 A copy of the company’s policy on employee retention. 


Open to an individual, company or third-party service provider who provides a corporate wellness program as a one of or on a repeat instance, in one location or multiple locations at any time during 2023. The  program is sponsored by the employer for the benefit of their employees (and families). Participation is  voluntary or compulsory as determined by the employer. The program has defined goals for the adoption of  certain behaviours which improve quality of life, reduce health risks, enhance productivity, and benefit an  organization’s profitability. 

CORPORATE WELLNESS PROGRAM OF THE YEAR award application must include:  

22.1 Company registration 

22.2 A brief summary of the program offered during 2023, to whom, the location, the frequency and the  anticipated outcome. 


Open to independent spa/wellness providers of any type, e.g. Day Spa, Hotel/Resort Spa, Wellness Resort,  etc. but excludes chains with multi-site operations (please apply under Management Company).  

The Award will be judged according to how well the operation recruits, retains and develops team members  relative to its business type.  

EMPLOYER OF THE YEAR award application must include:  

26.1 Company registration 

26.2 Company profile 

26.3 Organisation Chart 

26.4 Number of new hires in the past 12 months 

26.5 Staff Turnover (as a percentage of total staff listed in organisation chart) 

26.6 An exert of the Spa’s Training Plan of not more than one (1) page 

26.7 An exert of Training Records covering any five day period during the current year 


Open to the creator of any new spa or wellness product, service or methodology for the delivery of  professional wellness services. Creators may include operators, practitioners, product and equipment  suppliers, and suppliers of professional services.  

The Award will be judged according to the extent to which the innovation ‘breaks the mold’ on traditional  ways of doing business, and the impact that it has created for wellness businesses and/or their clients.

WELLNESS BUSINESS INNOVATION OF THE YEAR award application must include:  

27.1 Details of the innovation and how it benefits the delivery of professional wellness services.. 27.2 At least 2 photographs of the innovation or innovation being used (minimum 300dpi)*  27.3 A brief summary of the testing / development process of the innovation including timeline. 27.4 Name of the creator/s of the innovation 


This award is for those who contribute to the community. The award is open to any company (or division  within a company, e.g. hotel spa dept) whose primary business is spa & wellness. This may include operators  and suppliers of products, equipment and/or professional services. The Award will be judged according to  the positive impact that the business has made on the community. 

COMMUNITY SERVICE ACHIEVEMENT award application must include:  

28.1 Company registration 

28.2 A brief summary of the community service achievement and how it has benefited the community*. 28.3 A brief statement confirming the percentage of total company employees who have participated in company sponsored community service project/s in 2023 and the total number of persons in the  community who have benefitted from the activities. 

28.4 At least 3 photographs of the community service activity (minimum 300dpi)*  


Open to any company (or division within a company, e.g. hotel spa dept) whose primary business is spa &  wellness. This may include operators and suppliers of products, equipment and/or professional services.  

The award is for exemplary efforts in sustainability and will be awarded to the company that has made the  best overall effort. 

SUSTAINABILITY CHAMPION award application must include:  

29.1 Company registration 

20.1 A brief summary of the sustainability efforts which have been undertaken and the resultant outcomes of  such actions. Consider all elements which may be related to your company including energy usage,  water consumption, waste reduction, sustainably sourcing etc.  


Open to any wellness immersion experience (single journeys or multiday packages) which has a targeted outcome other than relaxation. The immersion may be generic in nature, or customised to address specific  health concerns. May be a one-of-event held any time during the past 12 months or held regularly and  available to individuals or to groups. 

WELLNESS IMMERSION OF THE YEAR award application must include: 

32.1 Full details of the wellness immersion offered including duration, frequency, content and location of the  immersion.* 


Open to any spa and wellness association in Asia Pacific who holds a valid certificate of  incorporation/registered as an industry association and Is recognised as a key industry voice in the  country/region it is based. The association has a structured membership program and regularly networks  with government and other industry stake holders for the benefit of its members, providing updates to its 

members including educational, marketing and other business opportunities and conducts a board meeting  on a monthly basis. The Association maintains an active online presence including a website and social  media platforms. 

ASSOCIATION OF THE YEAR award application must include:  

23.1 Certificate of incorporation / registration 

23.2 Association profile including number of members as of Q4 2023 and what membership fees (if any) are  payable.

23.3 List of current board members and when they were appointed/elected to that position. 23.4 A summary of what activities the association has conducted for its members in the year 2023. Brief  should be in bullet point format with dates and number of participants in each activity where  appropriate. 

23.5 Testimonial from at least three (3) members in good standing of how they have benefited from  membership in the association.