The APSWC Virtual Round Table is the evolution of the association's annual Round Table - a bringing together of industry players and stakeholders to address key issues and their potential solutions....
In January, the APSWC spoke with Woon Hoe Lee, Senior Assistant Vice President / Executive Director of Wellbeing at Banyan Tree Holdings on their recently announced initiatives to roll out groupwid...
In a world where technology is becoming more and more intrusive, is there a limit to how far technology in wellness will go? So far there does not seem to be a limit - and the level of technolog...
In a recent interview with the Global Wellness Institute Melisse Gelula spoke of the pre-COVID elitism and privilege in the wellness industry and the sudden turn around which has come about as we we...
by Andrew Jacka Transformation of Wellness Post COVD-19 first published in Global Spa Online, September 2020. Reprinted with permission In the ‘new normal’ world post COVID-19, wellness wi...
Exploring the Eight Dimensions of Wellness, first published 13-Aug-2020 by Bangkok Post, Thailand Many are talking about wellness but as it is being used across many different business types it ca...
How many times have you said to yourself, “l would love to just have the time to sit and read for a while” or go for a walk or do some gardening or to just be alone? In the pressurised world we...