Membership is open to anyone – individuals/consumers, schools, companies, associations, media, government agencies, NGOs etc. may sign up as a member. Each membership entitles one (1) member to one (1) vote.
Joining Fee – USD50
Annual Fee – USD100
- USD50 OFF per member the APSWC Study Tour
- USD50 OFF per member on APSWC Round Table Event
- A membership certificate.
- For an additional premium (to cover cost of production and shipping), member may opt to receive their membership certificate as a plaque that can be readily displayed. Price subject to confirmation of delivery location.
- On a monthly basis, each member may advertise Job Postings (specs tba) and one (1) article/promotional feature (specs tba; content subject to approval and editing by the social media administrator) on the APSWC Social Media
- Member Discounts with select professional spa merchants
- Invitation to participate in industry surveys and access to results gathered.
- Discounted Registration Fee to selected international industry events
- Membership fee is annual and payable on the anniversary of joining.
- AsiaSpa Website Spa Locator listing (Spa Operators only) for a period of 1 year
- AsiaSpa Digital Magazine subscription for a period of one year.
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