Singapore’s Beauty and Wellness industry’s main concern remains manpower.

The biggest challenge facing Singapore’s Beauty and Wellness industry is manpower. Highly educated young Singaporeans are not interested in laborious work resulting in an increasing shortage of Singaporean workers. At the same time, government measures taken to benefit the local workforce which include higher salaries, more benefits; reduction in employment permits, imposing minimum salaries and higher levies for foreign workers, aggravated the manpower issue to a precarious level.

Environmental factors have sharply increased operational costs while reducing productivity due to the shortage of competent workers and business opportunity loss. Income for a therapist in Singapore is higher than those of most white collar workers. Although Singaporean workers hold qualifications recognized by government agencies, many do not have the skills competencies and/or experience of foreign workers.

The most urgent task of the Spa & Wellness Association of Singapore (SWAS) is to develop and enhance competency and professionalism of therapists.  As the representative organisation for Beauty, Slimming, Nail, Hair, Spa, Massage and Fitness businesses and practitioners, SWAS’ long term goal is to work closely with various government institutions to support and promote productivity and growth in the industry. The SWAS Registry of Complementary Therapists (SRCT) is setup to promote personal development, higher competencies of individual therapist base on benchmark of qualifications, knowledge and skills, continuous professional development while educating consumers on standards and capabilities within each segment of the industry to enhance value and safety in purchasing services.

SWAS works closely with all education institutions through industry partnership. Attached is a picture of the MOU ceremony with Republic Polytechnic, a Corporate Member and Industry Partner of SWAS.

For more information about the Spa & Wellness Association of Singapore contact

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