The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. Agreed by 193 countries with a target implementation date of 2030, the clock is running. All 17 Goals address the global challenges we face and are interconnected in order to leave no one behind.

There is guidance available on how you can align your company goals with the SDG’s, and the Asia Pacific Spa & Wellness Coalition in conjunction with the Agricultural and Food Marketing Association for Asia and the Pacific (AFMA) is seeking to make this even easier for spa and wellness industry operators with a dedicated accreditation offering to be announced in October 2020

For some operators, this may seem a big step to take, but there are already companies that have taken up the challenge. One of these is the Davines Group in Italy who has the Davines, [Comfort Zone} and /skinregimen/ brands in their stable.

The Davines Group has just released their Sustainability Report 2019/2020

The company’s awareness of the fragility of human and nature has driven its corporate consciousness to achieve a systemic change. Their vocation comes from the desire to take an active role in a regenerative
economics – a system that works to regenerate capital assets that provide goods and/or services that are required for, or contribute to well being

As Davine’s Chairman Davide Bollati states “Davines is only for those who want to continue on a very specific path of commitment and sacrifice towards overcoming their own limits, adopting a heroic attitude. A hero is only a hero if they manage to go beyond their own self-interest, with the
aim of pursuing a greater common good.”

The SDGs clearly define sustainable development priorities and seek to mobilize global efforts around a common set of goals and targets. They are a worldwide call-to-action for governments, business, and society to help end poverty and create a life of dignity and opportunity for all, within the boundaries of the planet. They are an explicit call for businesses to apply their creativity and innovation to help solve sustainable development challenges.

Look out for the Sustainable Developments Goals for Spa & Wellness, coming soon

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