Asia Pacific Spa & Wellness Coalition

Promote, Protect, Educate and Develop!


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Why Join APSWC?

The Asia-Pacific Spa & Wellness Coalition (APSWC) was formed in March ’06 – the outcome of an informal roundtable meeting held in Singapore in February ‘06.

The roundtable was initiated by the heads of spa associations with a view to bring the region together by identifying common problems and opportunities, and find ways to improve the business for all.

APSWC Pledge for Mental Health:

Become Our Member Only $150

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Our Latest News


The Synergistic Benefits of Combining Guided Meditation and Massage Therapy

1. Executive Summary This white paper explores the synergistic benefits of combining guided meditation with massage therapy, highlighting how this combination enhances therapeutic outcomes


Eleven Spa Towns inscribed as UNESCO World Heritage Site

•Eleven Spa Towns across Europe inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The decision to inscribe the site was made 24 July 2021 at the 44th Session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee


The Power of Therapy – Preparing for Tomorrow

The social media platform of LinkedIn published an article in November 2018, suggesting that by 2030 some 85% of the jobs that students of today will be performing haven’t even been invented yet


Ayurveda Myth Debunked : Myths 6 – 9

In this two-part series of articles “Ayurveda Myth Debunked”, Dr. Patwardhan will attempt to clear up some of the misconceptions about this fantastic science of ‘Ayurveda’.

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Asia Spa and Wellness Coalition